Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Nuntii Latini et Ephemeris!

Class yesterday was great! I really enjoyed finally getting to sort of plan a lesson and do something that I can definitely see being useful in the classroom.  Sue was very helpful in pointing out some of the more important things we should consider when planning a lesson- whether it falls in the beginning, middle or end of a unit; how many kids we are going to have to assess, etc.  In my high-school we didn't really have a "media specialist" or librarian, so I was surprised to find out what a great source of information one can be.  We all agreed that it was a bit of a stretch applying this assignment to World Languages, particularly less common ones like Latin and German, but once we got into it we came up with some really creative (I think) ideas about how to incorporate them into the tsunami project.  

I was also excited to discover (with help from Sue and my classmates) all the online Latin resources that I didn't know about.  I found a couple of websites that have current news articles in Latin, a few blogs and listservs devoted entirely to posting resources for Latin teachers, and I EVEN discovered some really cool PLNs on Twitter that I'm now following! One in particular that I'm really excited about and can see myself using with my own students provides a new Latin vocab word with etymology every day.  I can't believe I'm admitting to being excited about something on Twitter, but I am! Who knew?


  1. I was also surprised at how great of a resource a good librarian can be. Let's hope we end up in schools that have them!

    You're ahead of me on the online resource front. I find a lot of things IN German, but the resources ABOUT German seem to be few and far between. (so if you see any...)

  2. Whew! Sounds like you had a day where lots of light bulbs were going off. I love the idea of a Latin word a day on Twitter. Such a simple idea with such great impact!

  3. I also hope I end up in a school with an awesome librarian. I'm also with Brianne on the resources thing - it's super easy to find things in German, but I'm still looking for some good ones about actually teaching German. Maybe I should give a librarian a call...
